
The content on this website of La Maison du Vin ( PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD  ), does not provide any guarantee that it is accurate, complete, up to date, timely, relevant or free from typographical, technical, informational or pricing errors and omissions, whether negligent or not. By using this website, you agree and acknowledge that use is entirely at your own risk.

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD reserves the right to modify, supplement, delete parts of the website without specific notice.

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD does not warrant or certify, expressly or implicitly, that product information is error-free. Project information is provided without any warranty or condition as to its accuracy.

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD is not responsible for side effects and damages from the use of ordered products due to incorrect product selection by the user, careless or incorrect use of the products, or to the fault of the producer/supplier/packer, including incomplete information or instructions accompanying the products, product quality, material safety and actual defects

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD is not responsible for shortages in the availability of products due to force majeure, weather conditions, fire, supplier strikes, shortages of producers hosted on the website, inconsistency of producers, illegal behavior of third parties and generally reasons that cannot be attributed to its fault.

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD is not responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide intermediate order management services and for delays in the acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of ordered products due to reasons not attributable to its fault, such as, indicatively, delays of producers hosted on the website, force majeure, extreme weather events, Natural disasters, emergencies, strikes, fire, malfunctions of the cooperating courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction of products before delivery to the user and after they are given for shipment.

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD is limited to its contractual obligations with the consumer and will make every effort to meet them within a reasonable time.

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD does not guarantee that the content of this website and the quality of the services provided through it will meet the needs, requirements and expectations of its users / visitors. Any direct, consequential, incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising from access to or use of this website shall not create liability for La Maison du Vin, its officers, employees or associates.

PAVIC GENERAL TRADING LTD makes every effort to ensure that the content of this website is as up-to-date, secure and error-free as possible, but in no case does it fully guarantee the accuracy and correctness of the data / information contained therein, such as the vintage of a wine or the photo of the product.

All Products Pictures on www.Lamaisonduvin.com.cy  are only Sample Picture not the actual Product offered online or in Store. You may request at any time a Picture of the Products purchased before delivery.

All wines availabe for purchase on our website do contain sulphites.

Όλα τα κρασιά που είναι διαθέσιμα για αγορά στην ιστοσελίδα μας http://www.Lamaisonduvin.com.cy   περιέχουν θειώδη